Quad Cities International Airport Welcomes 36,000 Travelers in April
May 19, 2021
The upward trajectory for the Quad Cities International Airport continues as passenger traffic for April yielded more than 36,000 passengers. For comparison, April 2020 saw just under 3,000 passengers as the pandemic took a firm hold across the globe. Moving forward, the airport will use 2019 passenger numbers as a comparison to measure recovery.
“We typically see a slight dip in April coming off of the busy spring break season so the slight bump in passenger numbers was a welcome sight,” said Benjamin Leischner, A.A.E., executive director. “QC Airport is known for being quick, easy to navigate and friendly so we’ve been working with airport staff and emphasizing with our airline partners the importance of living up to our travelers’ expectations. Remaining customer-focused has helped us weather the industry’s most difficult year in history and will continue to be what helps set us apart and bring travelers back.”
The biggest gains in travel continue to be in the leisure market as families take advantage of more flexible work and school schedules, and loosening restrictions at popular destinations. Business travel is still lagging though industry experts are looking toward a late summer or early fall time frame for possible recovery.
“We serve a large number of business travelers so we know a big part of our recovery will depend on when businesses start sending people back out on the road,” said Leischner. “We know we are in for a long road ahead to full recovery but we will continue working with airlines to restore service and explore any new opportunities that will not only help support our economic recovery as a region but all our QC travelers.”
As mask mandates begin to relax throughout the U.S., travelers should be aware that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) extended the face mask requirement that includes airports and commercial aircraft through September 13. Free face coverings are provided at each entrance at QC Airport.