QC Airport has early win with return of Denver route Feb. 11
January 12, 2021
In a major win for Quad City International Airport, United Airlines will restore twice daily service to Denver after a year that obliterated the travel industry. A meeting with United Airlines representatives in late 2020 revealed the airline has been leaving bookings open throughout the pandemic to gauge passenger interest and determine the best time to test restoration of the route. The airline’s target of Feb. 11 is an indication that interest in travel is reemerging.
“The return of this critical route so soon in 2021 is welcome news that points to a more optimistic outlook for travel in the months ahead,” said Benjamin Leischner, A.A.E, executive director for Quad City International Airport. “This route not only provides nonstop service to a fantastic vacation destination but also connects our passengers to the western United States and beyond which is critical to maintain our airport’s connectivity.”
In late spring/early summer, airlines across the globe began scrambling to reduce cost, often by grounding planes and suspending routes. At the QC Airport, three routes were suspended within that timeframe. The airport and its expert air service consultant Campbell-Hill has been engaging in frequent conversations with airlines to gather information on their evolving response to COVID-19 and find ways to fulfill critical needs on both sides.
“When you look at air service, it’s not just one airport they have to examine, it’s their entire network and amalgamated data from all over the world that they then have to dissect and use to make decisions,’ said Leischner. “We are excited to see this route return and continue to thank our passengers for flying local – we cannot have recovery without our passengers supporting their hometown airport.”